Змеекрыл - pf2.ru

Змеекрыл Существо 3

Legacy контент.
Необычный ХД Маленький Зверь Couatl
Couatls are large, brightly colored serpents with feathered wings. Good-natured, these creatures aid mortals and oppose evildoers, but sighting one presents a momentous occasion—these magnificent, albeit reclusive creatures rarely appear.
The smallest members of the couatl family, Scalliwings resemble their larger kin but are roughly the size of a house cat, and a irascible mischievous streak tempers their kindly nature. While most couatls seek to right the world's wrongs или guide mortal civilization toward societal advancement, scalliwings work on a more individual level. They claim their role is to teach goodhearted spellcasters the ways of magic, and indeed they sometimes serve—or “assist,” as they're swift to correct—such spellcasters as familiars.
With iridescent scales and bright feathers, scalliwings are remarkably pretty creatures. They seem well aware of this fact and use their appearance to ingratiate themselves with others. This beauty makes some of them slightly self-aggrandizing, but other scalliwings find that their small size and relatively weak defenses put them at the mercy of cruel, larger creatures who seek to imprison them as beautiful pets and trophies. While scalliwings might cheerfully reside in a single residence indefinitely of their own volition, captive scalliwings have orchestrated devious escapes, coordinating their efforts with other creatures to cause spectacular property damage in the process.
Scalliwings measure about 2 футов long from nose to tail with wingspans of about the same length. They have life spans nearly as long as a human's. While a scalliwing appears slightly more common than their larger, reclusive kin, many mortals live entire lifetimes without ever encountering a scalliwing.
Вспомнить информацию - Beast ( Мистицизм, Природа): СЛ 20
Неспециализированное знание: СЛ 18
Специализированное знание: СЛ 15
Источник неприятности в отари
Внимание +12; ночное зрение
Языки Всеобщий
Навыки Акробатика +10, Дипломатия +9, Природа +9, Религия +9
Сил +1, Лвк +4, Вын +0, Инт +0, Мдр +3, Хар +3
КБ 19; Стойкость +8, Реакция +12, Воля +11
ПЗ 45
Перемещение 10 футов, fly 40 футов
В ближнем бою 1 fangs +10 [+6/+2] ( быстрое, фехтовальное), Урон 1d4+1 piercing plus 1d4 persistent poisonВрождённые сакральные заклинания DC 20; излечение (×2), невидимость (self only); приказ, излечение, убежище; Фокусы (2й) ступор, наставление, магическая рука, сообщение, щит
Wing Flash 2 ( ментальный, зрение) The scalliwing spreads their iridescent wings and flutters them in a hypnotizing pattern. Each creature within 30 футов that can see the scalliwing must attempt a DC 20 Will save.
Критический Успех The creature is unaffected.
Успех The creature is застигнутость врасплох until the start of its next turn.
Провал The creature is flat-footed until the start of its next turn, and it must spend its first action on its next turn admiring the scalliwing.
Критический Провал The creature is flat-footed until the start of its next turn. For 1 minute, the creature must spend its first action each turn admiring the scalliwing. This effect ends if the scalliwing attacks or uses another hostile action against the affected creature.